Flea combs are a beneficial way to remove fleas from pups, small dogs, and those with sensitivity to flea treatments or shampoo. Comb tangles out beforehand to ensure effectiveness. Then comb in the direction of growth. Dipping the comb into a cup of soapy water between strokes can help keep fleas and eggs from moving through the fur. Areas like the nape of the neck, armpits, groin, base of the ears and tail should be given extra attention. These combs are also useful for identifying coat and skin issues and combing out debris near the corner of the eyes or anal area.
- Nylon Flea Comb
- Dual-sided with fine and extra fine tines
- Plastic tines have less chance of causing skin issues near sensitive areas.
These style combs are perfect for removing hardened eye discharge or any crusted material by the anal area. First let the area soak in warm water by applying a warm wash cloth. Once softened, used comb to comb out areas by starting at the the top of the area and then brushing away from it. Disinfect after use.